Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The World's Most Terrible Traffic


Traffic is everywhere. Sex Trafficking that is. It happens on the streets, in public toilets, in the malls, and even at your favorite restaurant. This is an issue that is happening not only here in our country but around the world. And like any other global problem, it gets worse every single day. No wonder it became the third largest crime in the world.

Good thing there are a lot of organizations and groups that continue to raise awareness about this problem. Inspired by Anita Roddick, the founder of The Body Shop, the store has jump started a petition that hopes to fight this modern-day slave trade. So let's go sign our petition and stop sex trafficking.



i love how body shop always has these different campaigns. sign up now. they also have a nice bag that you can get for a minimum purchase still in line with this campaign. check it out!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

For Rain-proof Trips


The North Face Base Camp Hot Shot Backpack. It's durable, waterproof and looks nice. I want one. : ) It holds your essentials safe and dry while you're up in the mountains or exploring the city.