Saturday, October 29, 2011


Hello! Here's my first digital painting. What do you think? :)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Pen Tablet on a Budget

Bought myself a pen tablet. At last! I've been planning to by one for centuries. Ok maybe just a couple of years. It's because I couldn't decide what to get aaaaannd I'm always on a budget. Quite tight. Also it's not at the top of my priorities at the time. Anyway, this month, I found out that Wacom launched new products that are quite cheap. And it happened that I have some spare cash at the moment so I bought one.

I really prefer using traditional mediums like pencils, paints and stuff. But still, this would be a good thing to spend time on creativity. And maybe earn money out of it. :)

Will post stuff soon. :)