Monday, May 9, 2011

Night Crawlers

Back in Manila, my friends and I go out for skate sessions after work. Thursdays was our regular skate night. But when work doesn't get in the way, we would skate every night.

It started in 2005 when I went out to skate at a parking lot near my office. Empty and quiet, all one can hear is the sound of the wheels spinning when it carves the concrete. As the night wears on, the chopping sound of the board breaks the silence of the city.

It was like some sort of freedom. It felt so great.

After a long day, you'll go out there and skate your stress away. Without thinking of work and being chased by security guards. Without worrying if it's already 2 A.M. It was just pure fun.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

New Time Piece

Got me (and Val. Thanks babe!) a new watch during our trip to Malaysia over the long weekend.

I'm not really the type of person who shops often. It also takes a long time for me to decide before buying one thing. But when Val showed me this watch, it took me just 2 minutes too purchase it.

It's not fancy or expensive which I really liked about it. It's simple, reasonably cheap and functional.